New Zealand's first true dryland sanctuary is bringing the lizards back to Central Otago.
Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary is New Zealand’s first fully-fenced dryland sanctuary, with a vision of restoring to a small patch of Central Otago the unique ecosystem that existed before human settlement.
The focus of this community sanctuary is the diverse and beautiful lizard species that once lived in these drylands, sun basking on the rocky tors and clambering through the scrub.
In late 2019 a survey was carried out to see how well the translocated lizards were going.
Get a behind the scenes look at the running of Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary.
Recent happenings:
June 2024:
The grand and Otago skinks in the sanctuary are continuing to breed well, and this autumn we reached — and passed — the milestone of 100 baby grand and Otago skinks born inside the fence. That's the ones we know about, and there will be more out there happily evading our searches!
See our latest newsletter:
A neat podcast was made about the sanctuary, and about NZ lizard conservation, by Karthic SS for Otago Access Radio. You can listen to it here:
Underdogs under the ledge: Saving rare lizards
A team led by Carey Knox searches for Otago green skinks in the Hawkdun Range, for translocation into Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary. Dec 2023. Photo Anna Yeoman

Photo: Anna Yeoman
Photo: Anna Yeoman
Photo: Carey Knox
The jewelled geckos hide in the green shrubs and long grass, while the foot-long Otago skinks soak up the sun on the schist rock stacks. Get to know our local lizards...

With grateful thanks to our major supporters:

Schist gecko. Carey Knox

Slideshow photos top of page: 1. Otago skink, Carey Knox. 2. Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary. Anna Yeoman. 3. Jewelled gecko, Carey Knox. 4. Melicytus alpinus. Anna Yeoman. 5. Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary. 6. McCanns skink. Carey Knox.